The HHN offers young scientists a cooperative doctorates procedure. With this model, the doctorate is registered at a cooperating university in Germany or abroad and formally processed there. The practical work takes place in the laboratories and the competence areas of the HHN.
A HHN professor and a university professor are responsible for supervising and assessing the cooperative doctorate.
Regular meetings for all (young) scientists at the HHN
"The Young Scientists Network is a community for everyone who is scientifically active at Heilbronn University, who would like to exchange ideas for current challenges and future topics and who want to work and research in an interdisciplinary manner." Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raoul Daniel Zöllner
Several times a year, the Vice Rector for Research, Transfer, Innovation invites those interested in doing a doctorate, doctoral candidates and post-docs as well as interested (research) professors to a network meeting.
The Young Scientists Network
Network - YSN @ HHN has a platform!
Join us at WebEx Teams - exchange ideas with like-minded people about the topics of cooperative doctoral studies and research at the HHN.
Interested? Register to join the network at
As part of doctora, women at the HHN are specifically accompanied and supported on their way to and during their doctorate.
Information can be found here.
As part of the Baden-Württemberg Center for Applied Research (BW-CAR) platform, a supra-regional college was established to support doctorates. The college offers all doctoral candidates at HAWen Baden-Württemberg further education events. Several times a year, specialist colloquia and interdisciplinary qualification offers are invited, usually combined on one day. You can find an insight into the offer on the BW-CAR homepage. For further information please contact Dr. Holger Fröhlich (+49 711 99 5281 61,