Tips for orientation to university studies

What should I study? What suits me?


Most of school leavers ask themselves this question every year. There is a wide range of options, and deciding on a course of study can be a big challenge. Here you will find tips and advice on how to find a suitable course of study.

Did you know

that these 4 steps might help you in the orientation phase?

  • talk to parents and friends
  • tests for the choice of studies
  • personal analysis of strengths and interests
  • thorough research; online and offline

With some patience and time...

Every orientation needs some time. Therefore, invest some time and make notes. You can use the question and reflection sheets, which you can find on this page. By doing that you can gather your insights and find out step by step what suits you best.

You are welcome to discuss your orientation questions with us in our counseling appointments. To do so, make an appointment with the
Central Student Advisory Office. We look forward to meeting you and supporting you!

Counsulting appointment

For in-depth, one-on-one counselling we recommend that you make an appointment. Appointments can be made by phone, by email, in person and via our online booking system:

News und Events

Here you will find current events from and with the Central Student Advisory Service, as well as Heilbronn University for study orientation. These are various events, such as information evenings and trade fair dates.
To keep you up to date, you will find the latest news on the topic of study orientation in this section.

Startschuss Abi Stuttgart

At Startschuss Abi (which is a personal study info day), you can find out about the study programs offered by various universities and learn more about dual study programs. You can also get tips from experts on choosing a course of study and find out about Work & Travel, volunteer social year and au pair.

Education and student fairs
Studenten stehen mit Professorin am Geländer und reden

With over 48 bachelor's and master's degree programs, the range of courses offered at Heilbronn University is quite large and specific.
Come and talk to us and take the opportunity of an individual consultation. This will help you find out which degree program is right for you.

Informational events

With our information events of HHN, we support you in your decision to study. You can attend lectures, have the career prospects of the individual courses of study explained to you and ask our Central Student Advisory Office any questions you might have.

The following events offer you the ideal opportunity:

Our tips for your orientation

Das zeigt eine Frau vor einer Wand. Sie hält ein Tablet in Hand und schuat auf dieses.

For now, focus on yourself and deal with these questions:

  • Why do I want to study?
  • Which subject areas interest me?
  • What do I enjoy? What do I not enjoy?
  • What are my strengths? What am I not so good at?
  • In which area would I like to educate myself in the long term? In which area do I not see myself?
  • What are my goals in life? What does my happy life look like for me?
  • What do I definitely not want to do/learn in my life?
  • What does my ideal workday and work setting look like?
  • What do I not want at all?
lachende Studenten am Tisch

With family members and people from your private life you can collect assessments and ideas about yourself. You can evaluate this external assessment with further questions, such as:

  • Which of others' ideas and assessments about me congruent with my own analyses?
  • Which of the ideas do not feel coherent to me?

It may be helpful to discuss your results of self-reflection and online tools with others. Share your findings with people you can relate to. You can also talk to academic advisors about your findings and any questions or concerns you may have.
We also recommend that you do the online self-tests, visit fairs and informational events. We have made a selection for you on this page.

May be you are interested in more than one degree program.
For this, we have listed a few tips that can help you.

What criteria are important to you when deciding on a course of study?

  • Study program

Take a close look at the courses in the degree programs. You will find most information on this in the study and examination regulations (SPO), in the module handbook or you can contact the departmental study adviser of your study program.
It is also worth taking a look at the corresponding specializations of each program. This will give you the opportunity to find out which course of study is more suited to your interests and wishes.
Find out about the career prospects: In which field can you work through this degree? Can you see yourself doing well in this field?
Other important key points can be: number of students, NC (numerus clausus), supervision, ratio of theory and practice. Surely you can think of other individual points here.

  • University

Where is the university located? Can I imagine moving to the region? If not: Can I travel and are the necessary resources available?
Does the university offer student services that are important to you? These can be: Mensa, university sports, university band, partner universities abroad, etc.
If possible, visit the universities. Get your own impression - spontaneously or by participating in orientation events. Reflect on your thoughts: What do you think of the atmosphere? What do you particularly like? What are you missing?

Feel free to jot down additional thoughts and study criteria. Once you have completed the criteria collection, ask yourself:

Which decision criteria are most important to me and why?
Give your criteria a score. For example, on a scale of 0 (not at all important) to 5 (very important).
Transfer these criteria to your desired degree programs.

In your final evaluation, you can now ask yourself:

  • Is this a good choice for me?
  • How does it feel?
  • What does your gut feel say?

If you need help in making a decision, talk to your family, friends and other people you are close to. You are welcome to discuss your questions and results with us, the Central Student Advisory Office. Please make an appointment with us, we will be happy to support you and look forward to meeting you!

Wondering which degree program is a good fit for you?

To help you find your matched study programe, we provide tips below. Take some time to reflect on your skills, interests and preferences. Make notes in the worksheets which you can download. This will help you gain more clarity and certainty about which study program suits you.

You can discuss your results with family and friends. You are welcome to discuss your questions and results with the Central Student Advisory Office in person. Please make an appointment with us, we will be happy to support you and look forward to meeting you!

Orientation test for choosing a degree programme

Orientierung Schilder
With the orientation tests, your study and career-relevant interests and abilities are scientifically ascertained and explained to you in detailed feedback. Learn more about the study interest and orientation tests here:

Find your desired degree programme and a suitable university

Gruppe mit internationalen Studierenden sitzt und spricht an einem Schreibtisch.

If you would like to study or do a doctorate, you can find more information about what German universities have to offer on Hochschulkompass. The information is entered and updated by the universities themselves, so the information is always up to date.

Engineering, business or IT?

Junge Frau mit Kopfhörer und Handy hört die Podcast-Serie Zukunft Studium

In the study info media library of Heilbronn University you can get information about the single study programs via the podcast series "Zukunft Studium" by our professor Annett Großmann. In addition, you will find image films or on-demand offers of the HHN for our Bachelor's degree programs.

junge Frau spricht mit Studienberaterin

What am I supposed to study?

We are sure this question came up to your mind at least once. Alot of young people leaving school know they want to study, but are unsure what to study. The following steps can help you with your decision.

  • talk with friends, parents or relatives
  • do an online test
  • think about your personal strengts and interests, it also helps to write them down
  • do reseach online and offline

Official Online test for study orientation by the state of Baden Wuerttemberg

Find the program that suits you best!