Heilbronn - TechCampus

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A campus for technology

Our TechCampus is the oldest site of the University of Heilbronn. Traditionally a location for engineering sciences, today it is also home to computer science.

The campus offers plenty of space for research and about 2,500 students. Here you will find technical test benches, a logistics warehouse, a clean room, a virtual reality lab plus numerous laboratories for the various study programmes. In the Otto Rennmaier Research Laboratory we carry out interdisciplinary research into future-oriented topics such as autonomous driving, human-machine interaction and virtual and augmented reality.

Take time out to clear your head between appointments: Fancy a beach volleyball game after the lecture? The spacious grounds of the campus provide you with many opportunities for outdoor activities. The city bus will take you into the lively city centre of Heilbronn in less than ten minutes. 

Discover theTechCampus in Heilbronn virtually: 

Heilbronn – the knowledge city

Heilbronn lies between the conurbations of Stuttgart, Heidelberg and Mannheim. With a population of about 130,000, Heilbronn is a young, modern city on the move.

Trade developed on the banks of the river Neckar as long ago as medieval times, and with it grew the prosperity of the Free Imperial City. Heilbronn played a pioneering role during Germany’s industrialisation. Today, the city in the heart of Europe is developing into a sought-after location for innovative companies.

Heilbronn is a city of learning. The education sector is undergoing dynamic change: this is particularly evident in the development of the education campus, where four other educational institutions are located in addition to the University of Heilbronn. The new Experimenta building in Heilbronn, an interactve science centre for children, is the largest science centre in Germany.

Challenging and nurturing mind and body: How about jogging up and down the vineyards as part of your fitness programme? Or what about learning to row with a group of other people? Or even just chilling in the sun on the banks of the Neckar? As a "city by the river" and surrounded by the green space of the vineyards, Heilbronn offers you a very high quality of life. With its wine festivals, open-air concerts, theatre festivals and not forgetting the city museums, you will also find that the cultural scene in Heilbronn more than meets expectations. 

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Eine Gruppe junger Leute stößt mit Wein auf dem Heilbronner Weindorf an.

Ein Kultevent mit ausgelassener Stimmung ist das Heilbronner Weindorf im September. Foto: Ulla Kühnle