
Competent research partner

Partner in publicly-funded research projects

The ISAPS Heilbronn team has many years of experience in successfully applying for public third-party funding. Several publicly funded research projects are already running at ISAPS in cooperation with academic partners, Fraunhofer institutes and small, medium-sized and large companies. If we can complement your planned research consortium with our expertise, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contract research

Do you have specific industrial research needs that require absolute confidentiality? In this case there is the possibility of contract research. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Do you see other points of contact? Please feel free to contact us.


High performance computers

3 high performance computers with

  • 2 CPUs Intel Xeon Gold 6126 each, 2x12 cores, 2600 MHz
  • Virtual memory: 256 GB RAM

Access to bwUniCluster2

HHN and thus, ISAPS, have access to bwUniCluster2, the high-performance infrastructure of the state of Baden-Württemberg, to carry out extremely computationally intensive simulations.

Currently used software

  • StarCCM+
  • GeoDict
  • OpenFOAM

Multi-functional aerosol test bench for atmospheric conditions

(ambient pressure and temperature) with

  • Various aerosol spectrometer
  • Various pressure transducers
  • Various aerosol generator for liquid and solid aerosol particles
  • Different ventilaors / vacuum pumps
  • Different protecting filter systems

Aerosol test benches for highler pressures and temperatures

  • Aerosol test bench for pressure up to 7 bar and temperatures up to 70°C
  • Aerosol sensors for elevated pressures and temperatures
  • Aerosolgenerator
  • Stearing unit
  • Heating system
  • Pressure and temperature sensors
  • Different mass Flow Controlers

Test bench for mask testing

  • flexible setup
  • use of technical and human aerosols
  • evaluation of self protection and protection of others
  • mask testing for sealed and real-life fit

Test bench for inactivation of aerosolized viruses
(currently in BSL 3 at University Hospital Tübingen)

Test bench for microplastics filtration (washing machine)

use of artificial microplastic fiber suspensions and real-life washing

  • determination of filtration efficiency and pressure loss


  • 2 mobile aerosol spectrometers
  • sensor network with > 50 sensor nodes (particles, CO2, environmetal parameters)
  • thermal comfort according to DIN EN 7730
  • ...

For the production and analysis of components, ISAPS can access the equipment of the Polymer Institute of Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences (PIK)

Several FDM printers from well-known manufacturers (Multec, Ultimaker, Makerbot) as well as our own filament extruders are available, so that a wide variety of structures can be printed with customer-specific filaments. The SLA and SLS processes can also be used.

Numerous microscopic methods can be used to analyze the manufactured structures. In addition to incident and transmitted light microscopes, a scanning electron microscope is also available.

Pore size meter (TOPAS) for determination of pore size distribution.

ISPAPS Heilbronn has its own µCT-Scanner: Bruker micro CT (SkyScan 1271) with a resolution up to < 0,45 µm/px

CFD simulation of flow through a mask

FDM-FFF 3D-Drucker Multirap M420

FDM-FFF 3D printer Multirap M420


Additive manufacturing and analysis