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Selection Procedure MTL

Should the number of suitable applicants exceed the number of study places, these will be assigned according to the result of the selection procedure specific to the programme.

Criteria and Priorities

Final grade in a business degree programme which is essential for admission

50 %

Fitting of the first degree

40 %

A stay abroad with a duration of more than 4 months that is supportive for the study goals

10 %

For candidates with good prospects the selection procedure includes a candidate's day at HUGS in which personal motivation and aptitude is assessed.

Documents (German)

Selection Interviews MTL

The selection interviews for the winter semester 2020/2021 will take place in July during the MTL candidate's day.

Individual appointments will be made after the application deadline on July 15, 2020.

The candidate's day lasts approximately 3.5 hours. There will be one morning slot and one afternoon slot.