Ombudsperson for Science

Scientific integrity forms the basis of credible science. The scientific staff at the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences is committed to the guidelines of good scientific practice formulated within the framework of the German Research Foundations (DFG) Code of Conduct. The Code's 19 guidelines describe appropriate standards for scientific work and offer practical commentary. The aim of the Code is to establish a culture of scientific integrity within the German scientific landscape.Scientific integrity forms the basis of credible science. The scientific staff at the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences is committed to the guidelines of good scientific practice formulated within the framework of the German Research Foundations (DFG) Code of Conduct. The Code's 19 guidelines describe appropriate standards for scientific work and offer practical commentary. The aim of the Code is to establish a culture of scientific integrity within the German scientific landscape.

The Ombudsman System at HUAS

At HUAS, an academic ombudsperson is available to advise you on questions and conflicts in the area of academic integrity.

The ombudsperson's advisory services are based on the guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice.

As a neutral person of trust, the ombudsperson provides general advice on questions of good scientific practice. In cases of suspected scientific misconduct, the ombudsperson contributes to solution-oriented conflict mediation.

If necessary, the ombudsperson forwards suspected cases of scientific misconduct to the Commission for the Investigation of Misconduct in Science.

Scientific Misconduct

At HUAS, the procedures for dealing with allegations of academic misconduct are governed by rules of procedure.

In particular, the rules of procedure define the facts of academic misconduct, procedural rules and measures to be taken if academic misconduct is discovered.

The rules of procedure are binding for all academic staff and students at HUAS.

Members of the Commission for the Investigation of Misconduct in Science

Based on the decision of the HUAS Senate, the university management has appointed a permanent commission to investigate academic misconduct. The members of the commission are: