
In the frame of current research projects

Designing porous media for controlled particle transport and capture - challenges and solutions

Eröffnungsvortrag des "8th Symposium on Fluid Dynamics", Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen  (30.4.2024).

Da liegt was in der Luft...

Talk in the frame of the Award  "professor of the year" (Professor des Jahres) of the UNICUM foundation, 3rd prize in the category "Engineering and Informatics", Schwäbisch Hall (7.12.2023).

Energieeffiziente Betriebskonzepte für Gesundheitsschutz mit kooperativ arbeitenden raumlufttechnischen Anlagen basierend auf Simulationen, Sensordaten und künstlicher Intelligenz (ESTATE)

Poster presentataion at the 14the project meeting "energiewendebauen", Bamberg (10.11.2023).

Energy-efficient operating concepts for air purification with cooperative ventilation systems based on simulations, sensor data and artificial intelligence

Presentation at the international FILTECH conference, Cologne, Germany (16.2.2023).

CFD-based investigation of the effectiveness of face masks – filtration performance and optimization potential

Invited Talk at the virtual GeoDict UserMeeting 2023 (2.+3.2.2023).

Energieeffiziente Betriebskonzepte für Gesundheitsschutz mit kooperativ arbeitenden raumlufttechnischen Anlagen basierend auf Simulationen, Sensordaten und künstlicher Intelligenz (ESTATE)

Poster presentation at the 12th project coordinator meeting "energiewendebauen", Petershagen (9.11.2022).

CFD-basierte Untersuchungen zur Effektivität von Atemschutzmasken – Filterleistung und Optimierungspotenzial

Keynote talk at the "IUTA-Filtrationstag" (filtration day), Duisburg (8.11.202)

Modellierung und Simulation von
Strömung und Transport in porösen Medien

Kolloquium Materials Design & Manufacturing –Simulation von Filtern, Schäumen und Membranen (19.10.2022)

Face masks: improvement potential based on experimental and simulation-based insights

Invited talk at the Palas Air Filtration Seminar, Frankfurt, Germany (28.8.2021)

Masken und Raumluftreiniger – Reduktion der Aerosolbelastung zum COVID-19-Schutz

Invited talk in the frame of the ceremony "50 Jahre HAW" in Baden-Württemberg, Aalen, Germany (16.7.2021)

Multi-scale modeling and simulation of liquid aerosol transport and two-phase flow in fibrous porous media

Seminar Talk at the "Kolloquium für Mechanik" of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany (28.11.2019)

Modeling and Simulation of Liquid Aerosol Deposition in Textile Filters

Presentation at the 6th bwHPC-Symposium at  the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany (30.9.2019)

Inaugural lecture, Habilitation, Dissertation

Trennen, Koppeln, Vereinen – über die Bedeutung von Grenzflächen in der Fluidmechanik

Inaugural Lecture, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (3.11.2010)

Historical development of models for flow and transport in porous media – from groundwater to high-tech applications

Habilitation Lecture, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (28.6.2010)

Multi-Scale Modeling of Multi-Phase-Multi-Component Processes in Heterogeneous Porous Media

Dissertation presentation, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (27.7.2006)

In the frame of conferences, seminars, workshops

Kinetic interphase mass transfer in multi-phase flow in porous media – a multi-scale problem

Invited Talk at the masterclass der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) in Amsterdam, the  Netherlands (6.9.2010)

Kinetic interphase mass transfer in multi-phase flow in porous media on the macroscopic scale

Invited Talk at the ICMS-Workshop about Novel multi-scale methods for multi-phase porous media flow, Edinburgh, Scotland (18.1.2010)

The role of interfacial area and dynamic effects in two-phase flow in porous media

Seminar Talk at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany (13.8.2009)

Macro-scale modeling of two-phase flow in porous media including interfacial areas

Invited Talk at the Utrecht Summer School on the Role of Interfacial Areas in Two-Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Utrecht, the Netherlands (20.-24.7.2009)

An Interfacial-Area Based Approach for Modeling Two-Phase Flow in Fractured Porous Media

Mini symposium presentation at the SIAM Conference on Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Leipzig, Germany (15.-18.6.2009)

Various aspects of multi-scale multi-physics modeling for porous media applications

Mini symposium presentation at the SIAM Conference on Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Leipzig, Germany (15.-18.6.2009)

Linking Pore-Scale Processes to the macroscopic scale: An interfacial area-based model for two-phase flow in porous media for multi-physics applications

Invited Talk at the InterPore conference “Challenges of Porous Media“, Kaiserslautern, Germany (11.-14.3.2009)

Transfer of model concepts for flow and transport processes from porous media to biological tissues

Talk at the ASME IMECE conference “International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition", Boston, USA (3.-6.11.2008)

Modeling Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media Including Fluid-Fluid Interfacial Area

Invited talk at the ASME IMECE conference “International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Boston, USA (3.-6.11.2008)

Truly Extended Theories of Two-Phase Flow Including Dynamic Capillary Pressure and Interfacial Area: Experimental and Modeling Studies

Plenary speaker in respresentation of Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh, Interpor Workshop, Bydgoszcz, Poland (20.-22.10.2008)

Modeling two-phase flow in porous media including fluid-fluid interfacial area

Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference, Oxford, England (13.-18.7.2008)

Two-Phase Flow Modeling in Porous Media Including Fluid-Fluid Interfacial Areas

Invited Talk, EUROMECH colloquium 499: Nonlinear Mechanics of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: Phase Transitions, Instability, Non-Equilibrium, Modelling, Nancy, France (9.6. 2008)

Modeling of mass transfer for two-phase flow in porous media including fluid-fluid interfacial area

Talk at the NUPUS Seminar, Zeist, the Netherlands (9.4.2008)

Multi-Scale – Multi-Physics Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media

Seminar Talk at the Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (6.12.2007)

Modeling of two-phase flow in porous media including fluid-fluid interfacial area

Seminar Talk at the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (4.12.2007)

Modeling of two-phase flow in porous media including fluid-fluid interfacial area

Seminar Talk at the Technische Universität Delft, the Netherlands (22.11.2007)

Modeling of two-phase flow in porous media including phase-interfacial area

Presentation at the Marie Curie workshop on “Flow and transport in industrial porous media", Doorn, the Netherlands (12.-16.11.2007)

A model for two-phase flow including interfacial area

Presentation at the conference “Multi-scale problems in Science and Technology. Challenges to mathematical analysis and perspectives 2.", Dubrovnik, Croatia (30.9.-6.10.2007)

A model for two-phase flow including interfacial area

Seminar Talk at the EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland (28.9.2007)

Multi-scale-multi-physics modeling of flow and transport in porous media

Seminar Talk at the Universität Wageningen, Wageningen, the Netherlands (20.9.2007)

A model for two-phase flow including interfacial area

Seminar Talk at the Universität Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands (6.8.2007)

Multi-scale - multi-physics modeling of flow and transport in porous media with application to subsuface flow and brain cancer treatment

Presentation at the conference “Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials with Application in Construction and Biomedical Engineering", Prag, Czek Republic (25.-27.6.2007)

Multi-Scale-Multi-Physics Modeling of Multi-Phase-Multi-Component Processes in Porous Media

Invited Talk at the CIPR-Workshop in Bergen, Norway (23.-24.4.2007)

Multi-Scale Modeling of Multi-Phase-Multi-Component Processes in Heterogeneous Porous Media

Presentation at the International Conference on Multifield Problems, Stuttgart, Germany (4.-6.10. 2006)

Multi-Scale Modeling of Multi-Phase-Multi-Component Processes in Heterogeneous Porous Media

Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference, Andover, New Hampshire, USA (30.7.-4.8.2006)

Multi-scale modeling of two-phase-two-component processes in heterogeneous porous media

Presentation at the conference “Computational Methods in Water Resources", Copenhagen, Denmark (18.-22.6.2006)

Multi-scale modeling of two-phase-two-component processes in heterogeneous porous media

Poster presentation at the ASIM-Workshop, Munich, Germany (22.-24.2.2006)

Multi-scale modeling of two-phase-two-component processes in heterogeneous porous media

Mini symposium presentation at the SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Avignon, France (7.-10.6.2005)

Upscaling including subgrid effects due to highly complex fine-scale processes

Presentation in the frame of the Qualifying Exam of the doctoral program "Environment Water (EnWat)", Stuttgart, Germany (28.1.2005)

Upscaling including subgrid effects due to highly complex fine-scale processes

Presentation at the Workshop “Porous Media", Blaubeuren, Germany (2.-3.12.2004)

Upscaling including subgrid effects due to highly complex fine-scale processes

Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference, Oxford, England (11.-16.7.2004)

Interface condition and exact linearization in the Newton iterations for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media

Presentation at the conference “Computational Methods in Water Resources", Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA (13.-17.6.2004)