Info for students

​ProfiPlus@HHN ​- Study to stay

ProfiPlus@HHN - Studienverlauf

Do you have a Engineering or Computer Science degree that is recognised in Europe?

Are you thinking about continuing your studies or starting a career in Germany?

ProfiPlus@HHN is a qualification programme that offers international academics a proven qualification for further study in a Master's programme at Heilbronn University (HHN) or for starting a career in Germany.

It is aimed at students with at least a bachelor degree in engineering or Computer Science.

Ready for a German Master programme or a Career in Germany?

Eine Frau erklärt einer anderen jungen Frau etwas. Im Vordergrund sind ein PC-Monitor und ein Kaffeebecher zu sehen.

Not clear about your professional fit? Enroll to our ProfiPlus orientation semester (from 2025) and receive a selection of master level courses plus language and cultural training, and career advice. 

We receive you as an English speaking Bachelor and send you out as a German speaking Master (From 2026). Extra fees may apply for Master programme.

Searching for a possible employer? When you enroll to our ProfiPlus orientation semester or to our ProfiPlus Master programme we help you find a company, guide you through the application process and help you to integrate studies and work while you are being trained to fit exactly your desired position.

ProfiPlus - Advantages

Ein Junger Mann im Anzug und mit Kopfhörern auf dem Kopf sitzt vor eine Laptop in Büro. Er blickt in die Kamera.
1. Customized Learning Path:

Study at you own pace:

Flexible curriculum designed to address your individual pace (Language+subjects)

 Specialization Preparation:

Foundation building: Gain a head start in understanding your chosen field (Engineering/Computer Science/ Engineering and Business), making you better prepared for the Master‘s program at Heilbronn University.

2 Kolleginnen, von denen eine einen Hijab trägt, im Gespräch.
2. Smooth Transition to Master's Programme @HHN

 Credit transfer 

With credit transfer seamlessly transition from ProfiPlus to your Master's programme at HHN

3. Career Preparation

No idea of German language and working culture? We provide you with the necessary courses and trainings!

 Professional networking 
 Career Guidance 

4. Gain practical experience

Participate in projects work, practical exercises, internships that provide real-world experience and enhance employability

​Duration & Costs

●  Duration: 1 semester, optional 2 semesters. Free of charge. 

●  Subsequent Master's programme of 3 Semesters @HHN. Fees may apply.

Admission requirements

●  Bachelor degree (or higher) in engineering or Informatics/computer sciences

●  German level A2

●  English level B2 (TOEFL minimum 550-paper, 213-computer based)

You have achieved an academic degree in informatics or engineering which is accepted in Europe, but not sure about the application process? 
We will guide you through the process and advise you how to get your paperwork done!

Application Deadline

Winter Semester
15th April 2025 for the following winter semester (starting in Sept)

Summer Semester
15th Nov for the following summer semester (starting in March)
