Faculty of Informatics

One faculty – several options

The Faculty of Informatics at Heilbronn University offers three Bachelor's and two Master's degree programmes at the campus in Heilbronn-Sontheim. 

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programmes:

After completing a bachelor's degree, you have the option of pursuing a master's degree (M.Sc.) in the following programmes:

Our well-established Faculty of Informatics has a proven track record of developing the next generation of IT experts, an excellent staff-to-student ratio, as well as an outstanding reputation for cutting-edge research and industry engagement. We have a long history of successful collaboration with our regional, national and international industry and research partners on a wide range of topics and maintain a strong network.

Our aim is to provide students with an education focused on the development of practical skills that will prepare them in the best possible way for their future careers – also in an international environment.

As an IT faculty, we not only provide a strong theoretical foundation in our courses; we particularly focus on practical aspects. Our students put their skills into practice by participating in interdisciplinary seminars, research projects in our well-equipped labs and institutes and contributing to live projects and work placements in their main study period (practical semester).

We are constantly expanding our research facilities. This has a very positive effect on our courses of study and our students' future career prospects, as we encourage our students to participate in our research projects very early on in their studies. For this purpose, our computer scientists have access to the Usability and Interaction Technology Laboratory (UniTyLab), the GECKO Institute for Medicine, Computer Science and Economics, and the Center for Machine Learning with its AI Lab.

We make it easier for students to start studying computer science by offering introductory and preparatory courses in Java programming and advanced mathematics. Even in later semesters, we always provide support for students with accompanying tutorials.

We teach in small groups, stay in regular, proactive and personal contact with our students, and use innovative teaching methods to ensure a high-quality and varied course of study.

The Faculty of Informatics, its student council and other student initiatives also endeavour to bring students and teachers together through various (team) events and excursions. Thus, we enable students to broaden their horizons and strengthen the team spirit that we live in our faculty. Visiting the largest games fair, "Gamescom" or the participation in the "DMEA", the most important fair for digital healthcare, are just two examples. Moreover, we encourage students to take part in other activities such as attending conferences in Germany and abroad, barbecue events, cycling tours, and skiing trips.

Virtual Reality

Facts about the Faculty of Informatics

5Bachelor's and Master's programmes
>650Currently enrolled IT students 
43Professors and staff members
>20Partner universities worldwide

News and Events 

Jan Krellner, Senior Vice President Human Resources bei T-Systems und Rektor der HHN, Professor Oliver Lenzen, bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung (v.l.n.r.).

T-Systems wird Exklusiv-Partner der HHN

T-Systems wird Exklusiv-Partner der Hochschule Heilbronn: Als führender Dienstleister für Informationstechnologie und Digitalisierungslösungen in Europa bringt das Unternehmen Fachwissen sowie finanzielle Ressourcen an die HHN ein: So engagiert sich die Deutsche-Telekom-Tochter für weitere Entwicklungs- und Karrieremöglichkeiten aller Studierenden der Fakultät Informatik.
to news
Mann mit Megafon Quelle: Pexels, Pressmaster

Neues Intranet ab sofort online

Der studentische Intranetbereich ist umgezogen und in der "neuen Welt" erreichbar. 

Ab sofort finden Studierende u.a. Infos rund um Raumreservierungen sowie das Praxissemester mit allen wichtigen Dokumenten im neuen Intranet (nur nach Authentifizierung erreichbar). 

The Faculty of Informatics on the Social Web






@informatik studieren