COIL Course Cultural Awareness and Intercultural Communication

Participating countries:

Germany - Belgium - Mexico

Participating universities:

Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences (Heilbronn) - Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (Flandern) - Universidad Veracruzana (Xalapa)

COIL project description:

Students of the Bachelor's programme Software Engineering at HHN and students of the programme Interactive Multimedia Design at Thomas More University of Applied Sciences in Belgium and the Faculty of Computer Science at Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico develop an understanding of cultural aspects that are essential in their profession - especially when working with international teams, clients or partners - in a joint virtual workshop and in weekly video conference meetings in pairs or threes (over a period of 5 weeks), in which they work together on different tasks.

They reflect on differences and similarities of their cultures using the cultural dimensions according to Hofstede, analyse presentation styles of different cultural groups and discuss different projects they have developed within their respective courses (peer review).


Summer term 2022 and winter term 2022/23
