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Understanding big data:
The master’s course Business Analytics, Controlling & Consulting (MAC) teaches extensive analytical skills for the controlling and consultancy of tomorrow.

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Prof. Dr. Oliver Schwarz, Dean of Studies, MAC
Train your mind, master the methods, handle big data and - be a winner!
Prof. Dr. Oliver Schwarz, Dean of Studies, MAC

Course profile

Degree: Master of Science
3 Semester: 90 ECTS
Language: German / English
Location: Schwäbisch Hall
Study form: Full-time
Start: Summer semester
Deadline: January 15

Course content

The Master of Science course in Business Analytics, Controlling & Consulting comprises 3 fields of study:

  • In the field of Business Analytics, you will learn how to efficiently handle the processing and analysis of large amounts of data to create a sound basis for operational decisions.
  • The knowledge and skills acquired in the field of Controlling enable graduates to perform planning, coordination and control tasks in companies.
  • The field of Business Consulting aims at a professional and systematically comprehensive qualification in internal and external consulting and uses the tools of business analytics and controlling to develop goal-oriented solutions for current issues.

Main focus of studies

In addition to the obligatory subjects of Business Analytics, Controlling und Consulting you can choose as your main focus between the two elective subjects, Health Economics and Big Data Controlling.

Big Data Controlling

In the elective Big Data Controlling you will learn how to define and implement a big data project from start to finish. This includes planning, implementation reporting and forecasts, as well as optimisation. Students also learn the technical fundamentals and legal framework for big data systems.

  • Introduction to Big Data Controlling
  • IT Infrastructure and Systems
  • Legal Framework

Health Economics

The elective in Health Economics teaches you about structures and actors in the health care system. You will develop concepts for the evaluation of comprehensive health economic questions on the basis of learned generalised analysis concepts and methods. You will be proficient in the use of common software required for this purpose.

  • Introduction to Health Economics
  • Empirical Methods in Health Economics

Career prospects

After successfully completing this master’s programme, graduates will have a wide range of employment opportunities open to them, both as specialists and in middle or senior management positions due to the key skills they have acquired. The knowledge imparted in the course is cross-sectoral. The course content reflects the need for quantitatively trained and analytically oriented employees.

Alumni are qualified for jobs in fields such as business intelligence, target group management, controlling, in-house consulting, corporate consultancy, reporting and market research. Due to the broad methodological training, graduates are also qualified for an academic career. Since the methods learned are applied across disciplines, you can pursue a career as a researcher in different areas of empirical work in economics and the social sciences. A key feature of the degree programme is the combination of database knowledge (SQL) and the training in econometric methods together with their implementation in the software packages (SPSS, R). Common job titles for people with this profile on internet job boards currently include: data scientist, data analyst or business analyst.

Course of studies

The course of study is divided into three semesters, in each of which up to 30 ECTS credits can be earned:

The master’s programme is modular in structure. A module can comprise one or more teaching events that are grouped thematically. You will deepen your basic skills from the previous course.

The following modules are available in the first semester:

  • Analytics I
  • Controlling I
  • Consulting I

You can find a detailed overview of the structure of the course in the course documents under Factsheet

The second semester features the modules listed below.
This is followed by the compulsory elective subject in the second semester.

  • Analytics II
  • Controlling II
  • Consulting: 
  • Consultancy project with practice I

You can select your main focus of studies, choosing from the electives listed below:

  • Big Data Controlling
  • Health Economics

This is followed in the 3rd semester by the seminar in Consulting: Consultancy project with practice II.

In addition, the in-depth courses of your selected elective subjects from the second semester will also take place.

  • Big Data Contrrolling II
  • Health Economics II

Finally, you will complete your course of studies by writing your master’s thesis

In Business Analytics the scientific principles of econometrics and their applications are taught. You will become familiar with and understand the various methods of empirical economic research. Solutions to current economic issues will be developed with the aid of quantitative models. The role of databases in business analytics is demonstrated and the use of database management systems for data preparation – especially with large amounts of data – is analysed. Multivariate methods of empirical economic research are presented in depth and their areas of application are discussed. You will practice the correct application of the methods with the help of software packages, enabling you to carry out extensive statistical analyses and develop models independently

The course modules include:

  • Econometrics
  • Empirical Economic Research
  • Techniques of Data Processing
  • Time Series Analysis

The objective of the field of study in Controlling is to provide students with a comprehensive insight into the development and significance of controlling, as well as its contents, techniques, methods and procedures. In addition to the various theoretical perspectives on the derivation and understanding of the essence of controlling, the elementary significance of controlling in practice and theory is also brought out. Building on the knowledge gained, the tools of controlling in operational use are introduced and their use in practice is explained using case studies. Students’ knowledge and skills are developed in the diverse fields of controlling. In the process, the overarching goal is to acquire a comprehensive understanding for the compliance of planned or actual investments with economic efficiency.

The course modules include:

  • Theories, Concepts and Tools of Controlling
  • Project Controlling
  • Investment Controlling

The subject area of consulting aims to familiarise students with selected issues of consulting. In this context, students learn to understand and individually design the phases of the consulting process. Furthermore, the different interests of the consultants and clients involved in the consulting process should be recognised and classified. The students then independently apply the theoretical knowledge they have learnt to the common fields of application of consulting. The aim is to gain the ability to carry out and/or manage a consulting process completely, taking into account the relevant professional, procedural and social aspects, and to be able to acquire any necessary knowledge and skills. In addition, with the help of the quantitative methods and tools, students can use acquired information to derive goals and strategies for the company, as well as implement and realise the necessary changes.

The course modules include:

  • General Principles of Consulting
  • Processes, Methods and Tools of Consulting
  • Seminars with Case Studies

The aim of the degree programme in Business Analytics, Controlling & Consulting is to complement the competencies acquired in a typical Bachelor’s degree programme with relevant subject areas for practice and research. Special attention is paid to the development and application of analytical skills. In order to achieve this, the degree programme has set itself the goal of interlinking the university even more closely with the regional economy. For this purpose, students should be enabled to collaborate closely with cooperating institutions, especially in the areas of business analytics, controlling and consulting

Entry requirements and application

Contact us at if you have any questions!

Contact persons

Information about the course and subject-related study guidance
Advice on the application process
Administration Schwäbisch Hall Campus
Mandy Gerngroß
Mandy Gerngroß
Student Service / Administration Schwäbisch Hall Campus

A look at the course / News

Research and cooperation

The master’s degree programme in Business Analytics, Controlling & Consulting concentrates particularly on the consolidation of analytical abilities. So that students can develop in this topic in parallel to their course, cooperation with the Haller Institut für Management (HIM) and the Statistical Competence Centre (SKZ) enables practice-oriented research and working on relevant economic topics. Both institutions are located on the Schwäbisch Hall Campus.

Haller Institut für Management (HIM)

Das Haller Institut für Management wirkt als Forschungs- und Transferinstitut zwischen der Hochschule Heilbronn und den umliegenden Unternehmen und regionalen Institutionen. Das Institut entwickelt qualitativ hochwertige Lösungen, indem die Problemstellungen der Projektpartner unter Einsatz quantitativer Methoden strukturiert und modelliert werden.


Statistik-Kompetenz-Zentrum (SKZ)

Das SKZ übernimmt grundsätzlich die methodische Begleitung der Forschungs- und Transferprojekte des HIM und sichert damit die hohe Qualität der Ergebnisse. Die kompetente Anwendung quantitativer Methoden ist zum zentralen Bestandteil wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens geworden.

Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum

Die Division of Health Economics des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (dkfz) und das Haller Institut für Management (HIM) werden künftig stärker zusammenarbeiten. Die Kooperation konzentriert sich auf folgende Schwerpunkte:

  • Gesundheitsökonomische Modellierung onkologischer Erkrankungen
  • Versorgungsforschung und Kostenanalyse
  • Health Technology Assessment (HTA) von Arzneimitteln
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