Admission & Language Requirements

For following International Study Programmes:

The basic studies (1st and 2nd semseter) are completely taught in English.

Recognition of international certificates:

The university entrance qualification from your home country (Bachelor, GCE-A-level, Baccalaureat, Matura, High School Diploma, etc.) needs to be accredited by Studienkolleg Konstanz - Center for International Students.

Please note that the recognition process is free of charge and requires  a certain processing time of 3 to 4 weeks. Application documents can be submitted at any time.

Proof of English Skills:

In order to ensure a sufficient level of English in the basic studies, applicants are required to prove that they are highly proficient in English by means of one of the following certifications:

  • TOEFL min. 550 points (paper-based version)
  • TOEFL min. 213 points (computer-based version)
  • TOEFL min. 79 points (internet-based version)
  • Cambridge Certificate CAE (Certificate of Advanced English) min. Grade C
  • TOEIC min. 730 points
  • IELTS Level 6.0 overall band score
  • Oxford Test of English with 120 points and Niveau B2 in overall moduls

The TOEFL code of Heilbronn University is 2751.

Only native speakers of English are exempt from this requirement. A native speaker is considered to be someone who was raised in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK, or USA.

Proof of German Skills:

In order to participate attend the compulsory German language course in the basic studies, applicants are required to prove that they have a good basic level of German language skills by means of one of the following certifications:

  • good knowledge recommended (min. A1)

  • telc Deutsch A1-B1
  • Goethe Certificate A1-B1

The proof that one of the above examinations has been passed must be submitted by the application deadline 15.07.. Otherwise the participation in the selection procedure is not possible.

From the beginning/middle of July, our academic partner AIM (Academy for Innovative Education and Management) will conduct an online German language test. The registration form for the online test must be sent to by 1 July.

The Proof of German language proficiency with the overall result DSH-1 is sufficient at the start of the 5th semester. In this case, admission is subject to the condition that proof of language proficiency ith the overall result DSH-1 (or comparable according to RO-DT) is subsequently provided by the beginning of the 5th semester at the latest.

  • DSH-1 (Deutsche Sprachführung für den Hochschulzugang / German Language Examination for Academic Purposes), or
  • TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Test in German as a Foreign Language. Please find further information here: Sprachtests or TestDaf, or
  • telc Deutsch B2, or
  • Goethe Certificate B2

Academic Criteria:

  • If there is a large number of applications, a ranking list will be drawn up for the selection decision.
  • Applicants will be ranked based on the grade of their "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung" (Higher Education Entrance Qualification - HZB)